Private Coaching

Work with me

Find your way as I challenge you with
candor, compassion, persistence, and grace.

Below are a few of my packaged coaching options, and we’ll work together to create a customized option to build a pragmatic action plan for you. My packages and rates are tailored to your needs. Whether you’re seeking ongoing mentorship or a focused engagement, I offer flexible coaching solutions to meet your needs and budget.

Feeling like you're not making a difference?

  • You have dreams, but feel like you’re stuck in your career.
  • Chasing a to-do list feels like an unfulfilling grind.
  • Your current role and career is crushing you, and you’re not sure how to get balanced and moving in the right direction?
  • Sometimes, to rest your brain, you spend more time procrastinating instead of producing.
  • Even when you courageously speak up, you feel like you're not being heard.
  • As a leader, you could use another perspective on the challenges you face.

Need a fresh perspective with a bit of extra accountability?

Let's build your action plan together.

Any of these sound familiar?

Twice a month coaching sessions and ongoing connection via private messaging to keep you motivated, in motion, and crushing your goals.

In one notable study, the American Society of Training and Development found that people are 65% more likely to meet a goal after making a commitment to someone else. That statistic increases to 95% when you build a plan and share regular progress on the goal.

  • Set your coaching goals & determine the most important things to bring motion to
  • Daily/Weekly/Monthly planning and action follow-ups


MONthly Subscription

~ Chemistry Chat & Goal Setting
~ TWO–45 minute sessions each month
~ Support between sessions via email and text

Nothing in your way.


Together, we clarify what you want to work on and how quickly you want to go. Below are just a few examples of Accelerator Packages clients have built with me. The key is that YOU decide what you want to work on! I'll provide you with a bit of pre-work to complete prior to our first session to outline your goals. We will solidify them in our first session.

✔️ Courageous Communication Package:
  • What do you want from your voice—and why?
  • Communication challenges and actionable next steps for improving future conversations
  • Delivery impact with pitch, tempo, tone, pace, cadence, inflection, attitude, and non-verbal presence

✔️ Healthy Leadership Package:
  • Taking time to unpack and build actions for understanding and tackling a challenge that could be holding you back: (ie: people-pleasing, imposter syndrome, EQ growth)
  • Understanding the positional power you have and your unique leadership style
  • Embracing techniques for work/life balance including prioritization, boundary setting, and protecting your personal health


Three Session Kick-Starter

~ Chemistry Chat & Goal Setting
~ THREE–55 minute sessions
~ Support between sessions via email and text

Starts at: $399

Success built by You.


Discover how to get your professional growth going in the right direction. These six sessions, scheduled over 12-15 weeks, are crafted specifically for your career needs, based on your goals. The framework in this package is:

✔️ Structured and focused. Customized goal setting and metrics allow greater focus and encourage action steps.

✔️ Deep. We’ll go deep into your mindset, challenges, and emotions to uncover unproductive patterns and replace them with new possibilities and perspectives.

✔️ Powerful. My coaching asks open questions and gets to the heart of a matter, allowing you to build a plan for growth.

When it comes to professional challenges, I’ve probably experienced what you’re going through! With my guidance, you’ll apply my specific growth tools along with the motion inside you to take action toward the future you want.


six Session Package

~ Chemistry Chat & Goal Setting
~ ONE–90 Minute Deep Dive
~ FIVE–55 minute Sessions
~ Session summaries and strategic action items
~ Support between sessions via email and text

Starts at: $999

Lead with authenticity.

"Even when I didn't know where to start, Kristen did. Grateful for her heart, skill, and tenacity."
"Kristen developed and shared tools with me that made small changes in my approach, creating a big impact on my success."
"Working with Kristen was a game-changer for me. She is a catalyst for positive change and a joy to work with."
"Kristen coached me through exercises that were extremely useful in helping me to see myself more clearly and successfully change my career to a better fit for my life goals."
"Kristen was able to focus my energy! With her guidance, I'm able to advocate for myself in tough situations at work. Now I'm feeling empowered!"
"Coaching with Kristen has helped me connect dots in different ways than just by unraveling my experience. It has helped me reframe and see things in a slightly different way, so I can connect the dots differently." 
"Kristen helped me recognize and support my core values. Each time I meet with Kristen, it fills my cup, renews my energy, and unlocks the potential for me to accomplish so much more."

Real Success • my clients • Real Stories


Book a free chemistry chat

Interested in learning more? Schedule a free call to chat through your professional goals today.